Thursday, March 17, 2011

Scratch That...Literally AND Figuratively

Yesterday, Amy reported over 200 bug bites within the team. Scratch that. Today, that number has multiplied! And "don't scratch" has become a regular advisory.

In terms of the figurative, we originally planned to come to Nicaragua and make bricks for the school. Between yesterday and today, that plan changed. As we talked with Henry over dinner last night, he decided that we won't be making bricks today. Instead, we will be making soccer goals because that's what's for the children and that's kind of what his mission is all about! He has told us that if we are working on a construction project at the school and a child comes up to us, we are to drop what we are doing and play with the child. The reason for this is that Jesus is all about relationships. Bricks or protective walls are temporary. Relationships are what is truly valued. And lemme tell you, the kids here do not make that a difficult thing to do! Just like we said on is not hard to observe the Sabbath in a place like this! These kids have been pouring blessings in muchos abrazos y besos (MANY hugs and kisses), sonrisas (smiles), los manos sucios (dirty hands), and countless laughs!

Our time at the school today was just the beginning of bittersweetness as we realized that we only have one more day with them after today. We did one of our skits for them -- the funny one that we call "Sin Chair" (we tried to upload videos on here but they take so long to upload and then they don't show up--lo siento!). We also did another craft with them in the afternoon: popsicle stick cross necklaces!

Greg, Daqueque (Dave and Niquelle's couple name), Kate, and Elly stayed at the casa in the afternoon to make the soccer goals. Henry chilled with us and cracked so many jokes (and snuck in a quick snooze in a chair while the rest of us did the dirty work, hahaha. We still got love for the man! After all, he makes us supercalifragilisticexpealidocious comida!).

We all piled into the truck (clown car style) to go to the old school grounds to unload a very big truck full of donated desks. Really nice desks! Heavy lifting for sure!  It was really cool to see the actual buildings and compare that to where the school is being held now, which is in a parking lot under 5 tents. The old school buildings have not been used recently due to flooding that happened awhile ago.

Tonight, after a delicious dinner of rice, beans, and stew, Henry and his wife, Elizabeth, sat down with us in the living room and told us their story. So many laughs! Henry asked Elizabeth to be his wife on their 3rd date. Hold on, it gets better.......this was over breakfast at McDonalds! Amy quickly chimed in, "This is a romantic story!" Cue the laughs otra vez (again). Henry's testimony and his and Elizabeth's story of how they met have truly touched us and inspired us beyond the words that we can merely contain in this blog. Please join us as we continue this trip and return home in prayer, that we may remember these stories and never forget the way they made us feel and how they inspired us. Most of all, pray that we are always reminded of what God has done in our lives and what He has done for us! Dios es bueno....siempre fiel (God is good....all the time)!


  1. There's no like button but really that's all I wanted to do. Consequently I'll say me gusta,and I can't wait to hear more about all of this great stuff in detail! Have a fantastic last day, and don't drop the Frisbee in the volcano.

  2. Hey Elly, Just wanted to tell you how proud I am of you and everything you are doing! You are an amazing person doing amazing things!
    safe travels!
    godmother kimi

  3. Hey Belle...I am hanging on this post all week. Thanks for the connection and the updates. You are all in our prayers...pass our love on to everyone. Love, Mom and Dad x0x0x0x0x0
