This week, we spent a lot of time in prayer for safe travels, for the children we will spend so much time with, for the director of the school program we are working at, and generally for God to prepare our hearts so that we can spread His love to everyone we encounter. We also prayed for patience and understanding, knowing that both will be exacerbated in the intense Nicaragua heat! Please pray for all of these things as we continue in preparation before we leave and of course while we are in Nicaragua as well. Thank you so much for all of your prayers and support! God is so good! (All the time!) So without further ado, here's the "little ditty" promised from the previous post!
Elly’s dream job would be to write the humorous little blurbs on the side of Vitamin Water labels. Out of many embarrassing moments in her life, the most honorary (that the team jokes about often) is the time when she walked into/through a screen door. Twice. If Elly could name a crayon color after her own personality, it would be “wild summer sunset.”
Rose has an irrational fear of staying in one country for too long! Good thing she’s going to Nicaragua with us! J Her dream job would actually be traveling the world creating documentaries. Her favorite food that she could eat anytime anyplace is potatoes. Any kind. Mashed potatoes, scalloped potatoes, twice baked potatoes, potato soup, potato chips, french fries.... anything but potato salad. Because mayonnaise is nasty. (direct quote!)
When asked about her irrational fears, she jokes “There’s nothing irrational about my fears!” Kate’s dream job is something where she can let all of her creative juices flow and be in the sun A LOT. If pizza is involved in that job as well, Kate would be ecstatic because she is always in the mood for pizza!
Our Fearless Leader is currently doing his dream job! He also really enjoys wood-working and long walks on the beach with his gorgeous wife. If Greg could speak another language, it would be Klingon so he “can tell Trekkies how dumb they are.” He is a Jerry, not a Tom, fan simply because Jerry’s “not a cat.” If Greg was a crayon, he would be Tennessee Volunteer orange.
Also known as Zeq, his favorite food that he could eat forever and after is “rawcos” (organic raw tacos)! If he could pick a crayon color to represent his personality, it would be either sky blue or Dodger blue.
Alex loves traveling and people. Her most recent traveling experience was a trip to the UK to visit friends, and next year she will be teaching outdoor adventure activities to students in Switzerland! We affectionately call Alex a gastronome, which means “lover of food and drink!”
As our team has experienced on multiple occasions, Russ has the super stellar skill of mimicking famous youtube character voices. Russ also votes for the mouse out of the famous cartoon duo, Tom and Jerry because he really is “sneaky like a ninja!” Russ’s favorite color is purple so it’s no surprise that when asked, he said that if he was a crayon his color would be “Purpley McPurple”!
Niquelle aspires to open her own elementary school one day. She would love to learn Greek and better communicate with her Greek side of the family. If she was fish, she’d definitely be a saltwater fish, exploring beautiful reefs and seeing all the ocean has to offer! If Niquelle was a crayon, she would be Sun Glow or Inch, or maybe just Gloworm, and have the best of both worlds!
Dave is a pogo-stick jumping superstar! He has an irrational (or not so irrational) fear of clowns, and votes for Jerry over Tom because “Tom Cat is just a big bully pretending to be the protagonist.” His most recent traveling experience was a honeymoon trip to DisneyWorld with his lovely wife Niquelle! Also, if Dave was a crayon, his color would be Crayola Crayon #53 Laser Lemon, because what is cooler than that?!
Amy is the emailing comedian on our team! Her emails never fail to make you smile and laugh. She is the proud owner of a red, yellow, and blue tracksuit picked up from a retirement community's local thriftstore in Florida. Her dream job is making awesome movies, which is great because she has plenty of material from her own life experiences: she once was so afraid that a Great White Shark inhabited her basement that she wouldn’t go down there for a year! Keep your eyes open for a short animation starring a girl and her shark. ;)
Kendra’s most recent traveling experience was going to Riviera Maya, Mexico on a family vacation over Christmas break. She definitely wishes she could speak Spanish fluently so that she can communicate with all the little kids in Nicaragua! Smiling is a universal language though and she definitely has a great smile! If Kendra could be any crayon color, it would be fuchsia.
Dana is a super chill girl who loves to jump on trampolines in her free time. We’re hoping to get Dana over her irrational fear of lizards and frogs while we’re in Nicaragua, since we’re sure to encounter a plethora of scaly slimy creatures! Dana is embarrassed of the things she says in her sleep, so we’re looking forward to funny stories from her roommates over breakfast :) If Dana could speak another language, she would love to communicate with the elves in Lord of the Rings in their native tongue.
Heather’s dream job is to be a teacher and she is fascinated by languages in general! In terms of food, Heather just can’t get enough of the end slices of home-baked bread, buttered fresh out of the oven. (Just take a moment and breathe in that imaginary smell! Mmmm!) If Heather could be a crayon color, it would be a really light blue-grey, like a periwinkle.
If Amanda were transformed into a fish, she would keep swimming, swimming, swimming! (If you caught the Finding Nemo reference, give yourself a pat on the back!) Amanda is super stellar at singing, but one of her most embarrassing moments is when she forgot the words to the song she was supposed to be singing in front of people. Amanda also loves bourbon chicken with a passion and simply dreams of being a food connoisseur.
Jess is an honorary team member! Unfortunately, she is not traveling with us to Nicaragua but she is certainly nothing less than honorary because she has helped us immensely in our preparation process :) Specifically, Jess has been supercalifrailisticexpealidocious at helping us with our Spanish and translating our testimonies. We owe her so much gratitude and have been very blessed by her servant’s heart!
And last, but absolutely not the least....actually, it may be the most: All of our supporters, friends, family, loved ones. May God bless you ABUNDANTLY. You are a huge part of our team.
And last, but absolutely not the least....actually, it may be the most: All of our supporters, friends, family, loved ones. May God bless you ABUNDANTLY. You are a huge part of our team.
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